The B-Sides of

Posts tagged “nude

Großer Zug


We met through a common friend. Since I was in the middle of a trip, the process of long chats and sharing intimacies that usually precedes the photos couldn’t take place. But from the little we talked, it was clear how passionate he is about sailing. He had a boat and knew of fine places just outside berlin where we could try some photos, so we set off one afternoon for a boat ride. While we waited for the day to end, I made a few photos. Here are some.

A big thank you to Philipp for lending the car and my friend Daniel for keeping me company.

Nos encontramos através de um amigo comum. Já que eu estava no meio de uma viagem, o processo de longas conversas e compartilhamento de intimidades que normalmente precede as fotos não poderia ser feito. Mas, do pouco que conversamos, ficou claro o quanto ele era apaixonado por navegar. Ele tinha um barco e conhecia lugares legais logo na saída de Berlim onde a gente poderia tentar umas fotos, então fomos numa tarde pra um passeio de barco. Enquanto a gente esperava o dia acabar, eu fiz umas fotos. Aqui estão algumas.

Um muito obrigado a Philipp por emprestar o carro, e ao meu amigo Daniel, pela companhia.

Daylight Saving Time


See? No murder!… 😀
Tá vendo? Sem assassinato!… 😀



An experiment. Both a quick test for a photo idea to be executed some time in the future, and a test of placing oneself in an uncomfortable position, going against one’s basic instincts.

Um experimento. Tanto um teste rápido pra uma idéia a ser executada no futuro, quanto um teste de se colocar numa posição desconfortável, indo contra os próprios instintos.

Pink And Red


Some more photos from the night with Milton.

You can see more of him in these posts:


Frente e Verso

Nata Goiaba

Respondeat Superior

IMG-20131226-WA0005 300Chris has been willing to participate in the project for a while. Since I haven’t been to his city in almost 20 years, and he wouldn’t come to my part of the world, apparently it would have to wait. Until the day we took advantage of his pleasure in following orders and I dared him to make a self pic and send as a reader contribution.
Here’s what he did for us.

Chris queria participar do projeto faz um tempo. Como eu não vou na cidade dele há quase vinte anos, e ele não viria pros meus lados, aparentemente a coisa teria que esperar. Até o dia em que nos aproveitamos do gosto dele em seguir ordens e eu o desafiei a fazer um auto-retrato e enviar como contribuição do leitor.
Aqui está o que ele fez pra gente.

Johnny (and The Cat)

2012, adult, back, building, butt, Europe, frontal, gentrification, Heygate Estate, housing project, London, naked, night photography, nude,  south london, street, travel, trip, UK, cat

2012, adult, back, building, butt, Europe, frontal, gentrification, Heygate Estate, housing project, London, naked, night photography, nude,  south london, street, travel, trip, UK, cat

2012, adult, back, building, butt, Europe, frontal, gentrification, Heygate Estate, housing project, London, naked, night photography, nude,  south london, street, travel, trip, UK, cat

2012, adult, back, building, butt, Europe, frontal, gentrification, Heygate Estate, housing project, London, naked, night photography, nude,  south london, street, travel, trip, UK, cat

Here are some other pics from the night out with Johnny (who couldn´t stand still, right John?) , in Heygate. Halfway into the pics, a cat decided to join the session and followed us up to the rest of the night, after we went on to photograph some buildings. Since the cat had no previous experience in photo sessions, it wouldn´t stand still too. Or maybe it was just trying to show in that ghostly fashion. I like it, anyway. Thank you John. Thank you too, kitty.






A while ago, when I made a picture of a mirror in a beach, reflecting a mountain and some city lights, I took the opportunity and the location to try a shot for my buddy rhiz’hommes´ project on what he calls Dialogic Selfportraits. After a long wait, he´s finally worked on the picture I sent him.

World Traveller

For a while I´ve been thinking of accepting pics from people who have asked if they could collaborate somehow with the page. Here´s the story behind our first photo…

Our buddy goes by the nickname of World Traveller. He says “When I was in Barcelona last week, I stayed in this room, and the street lights flooded the building in front of mine. Laying in bed, I took a picture of that building and I liked the result, so I decided to move to the front of the camera, turned the timer on and positioned myself. Despite the small hours, that´s near the city centre, in a busy corner. I guess nobody peeked, but, in Barcelona, there´s nude people on the beach, and even on the streets, so I wasn´t in a hurry to leave the balcony. I even lingered a bit over there.”

Bored Between Shots

I´ve been catching a few lazy moments from guys in sofas lately… And starting to interfere in some. More to come soon.

Tenho feito umas fotos de caras em sofás ultimamente… E começado a interferir em alguns desses momentos. Mais, em breve.

B-Sides, The Beginning.

Roughly two years ago I took the picture that would be the first post of this site: an uncommon view of Rio de Janeiro. In the meantime, I´ve seen and done quite a few things, not all of them being shown here. However, to celebrate our second year up and running, I´d like to share a moment in which some subtle change has come to light.

Back in 2007 a friend of mine argued that it would be possible to take pictures naked right at Paulista Avenue, in São Paulo. For those unfamiliar with the location, São Paulo is the largest city in the southern hemisphere. Its metropolitan area is  home to roughly 20 million people. It is also the the financial and economical center of Brazil, home to all the main industries and corporations, gateway to the country and most of South America and all that bla bla bla…  Well, Paulista avenue is right at the intersection of all this, an iconic venue of the city.

Anyway, the point is that it sounded totally crazy, because of the 24/7 nature of the location, the zillion security cameras spread all over the place and all the usual reasons. Fact is, one night, after a short adventure in one of the nearby cities, we headed for the avenue, the middle of it all.

Once there, it all happened much easier than expected. The photos ran smoothly, us being able to chose among locations. It was a fun and liberating experience, the only drawback being the lack of a tripod.

From that point on, I felt confident to explore many other locations around the city, some of which were shown here. Many will remain private, as mementos of crazy adventures. However, some of those moments will be displayed in this new section, now and then, along with other things that   don´t quite fit in the main page. Mainly, there will be pictures that were made in the same occasions as those chosen to illustrate the main page, but, for one reason or another, remained out of the initial selection.

I hope you enjoy it.

Mais ou menos dois anos atrás eu fiz a primeira foto mostrada nesse site, uma vista pouco comum do Rio de Janeiro. Nesse meio tempo, Eu vi e fiz um bocado de coisas, e nem tudo aparece aqui. De toda forma, pra celebrar nosso segundo ano no ar, eu queria dividir um momento em que alguma coisa sutil veio à luz.

Em 2007, um amigo insistia que era possível fazer fotos pelado em plena Avenida Paulista, em São Paulo. A coisa parecia completamente absurda, por causa do movimento 24h, do monte de câmeras espalhadas pela área etc. De toda forma, depois de uma passagem rápida pelo ABC, numa bela noite lá fomos nós.

Uma vez na Paulista tudo correu muito mais fácil que o esperado. As fotos fluíram bem, dando até pra escolher entre alguns locais. Foi uma experiência divertida e libertadora, o único porém sendo a falta de um tripé.

A partir dali, me senti mais confiante bpra explorar, de muitas formas, diversos outros locais pela cidade, alguns deles mostrados aqui. Muitos vão continuar só comigo, como lembranças de aventuras doidas. De toda forma, alguns desses momentos vão ser mostrados nessa nova seção, aqui e ali, junto com outras coisas que não se encaixam na proposta da página principal. Na sua maioria serão fotos que foram feitas nas mesmas ocasiões daquelas da página principal, mas que, por um motivo ou outro, ficaram de fora dela.

Espero que você goste.